5th Asian Christian Teachers Conference

Date: Friday, 15 June, 2018 - Monday, 18 June, 2018
Time: 7:30 AM - 10:00 PM
Venue: ACS Barker Road Secondary School
Theme: Discerning God's Heart: The Call and Mission of Christian Educators


Who should attend?

Anyone who is a teacher, school administrator, allied educator or school counsellor


Programme Highlights

ü  moving messages

ü  powerful testimonies

ü  practical help for your classroom

ü  devotional time alone or with friends

ü  solitude and reflection in the journey

ü  fellowship with teachers from Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and more

ü  fun and relaxation

ü  good food and good company



Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)

60, Barker Road, Singapore 309919



S$120 (non-stay-in); S$200 (stay-in)

Special discount for group registration



Please register at www.tinyurl.com/actc2018  .  

Registration closes on 15 May 2018 (Tue).


In a world of unceasing change and uncertainty, many teachers grapple with a myriad of challenges, increasing expectations, and competing demands. Christian teachers do not seem to be spared from such challenges. Yet the Lord has given us His promise that He will be with us where we go.


How might we discern God’s heart? How can we live out our calling? How might we teach with a sense of mission, resting in the Lord and standing on His promises?


ACTC 2018 seeks to answer these questions and provide practical examples and experiences on how this can be lived out on a day to day basis.


Come and be encouraged by

the community of believers!

 Organised by:

Teachers’ Christian Fellowship (Singapore), Teachers’ Christian Fellowship (Malaysia),

Teachers’ Christian Fellowship (Indonesia) and Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (Philippines)

For more detials open link  below:
