EFOS-LCF 1-Day Conference for Churches and Christian Organisations

Date: Saturday, 30 October, 2010
Time: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Venue: Bartley Christian Church, 4 How Sun Drive, Singapore 538526
Theme: Blameless Before God and Man
Speakers: Mr Paul Martin, charity law expert from Wellers Law Group (UK)

Guest-Of-Honour: Minister Lim Hwee Hua, Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister, Finance and Transport

Plenary speaker: Mr Paul Martin ( charity law expert from Wellers Law Group (UK) and author of “The Christian Charities Handbook”)

Plenary Session 1: Who Am I? Being True in a Pluralistic Society
This session explores the challenges faced by the church or Christian charity in being true to her vision and mission, adopting an appropriate and effective governing structure and having the wisdom to express the vision and mission in a pluralistic and secular society.

Plenary Session 2: What Can I Do? Public Benefit and Conflict of Interest
This session touches on the exclusive charitable purposes which are integral to the nature of a charity. From that foundational principle, it will go on to address how the activities of churches and charities need to be for benefit of its beneficiaries as opposed to the private interest of any individuals. Finally, this session will also analyze the important issue of conflict of interest; its nature and how to avoid and manage the same.

Plenary Session 3: The Law of God and The Law of Man - Obeying God or Man
"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's". In the majority of situations, this is theologically clear, intelligible and easy to apply when it comes to submitting to man's authority versus divine authority. However, there is a penumbra of situations in which the law of God could potentially or actually conflict with the law of man. How can a church or Christian charity be true to the call of God and yet be conscientious stakeholder within the jurisdiction of her operation? This final plenary will offer some insights and wisdom on how to ride this tension.
Respondents to each of the above plenary sessions include:

• Mrs Pauline Ang, Director, Goodwins Law Corporation
• Rev Derek Dunn, Executive Pastor (CEO), City Harvest Church
• Elder Prof Ho Yew Kee, Assoc Prof, Dept of Accounting NUS Business School
• Mr Gregory Vijayendran, Partner, Commercial Litigation Practice, Rajah & Tann LLP

IN ADDITION, there will be 3 workshops as follows:-
Workshop 1: Cyberspace & Media/Public Relations - Handling the Press /Communications
- by Dr Andrew Goh
Honorary Editor, IMPACT (Christian magazine)
International platform speaker, motivational trainer and management consultant
Author of 7 books including "Management by Humour” and "Headstart: Month of Motivation"

Workshop 2: Stewardship - Can Churches/Charities Go Into Business?
By Elder Prof Ho Yew Kee- Assoc Prof, Dept of Accounting NUS Business School, PhD, FCPA (Aust) CPA (Singapore), CFA

Workshop 3: Keeping God in Place - Implications on Guidelines on Use of Commercial Space for Religious Activities
- by Mr Richard Magnus
Senior Judge (Retired)

Registration Fee* : Early Bird (with payment) - $40 (till 10 October)
: Student - $30
: Normal - $50
: Sign up as a group of 6 and pay for only 5 !!! ($200 for Early Bird)
: cheque should be made payable to "Graduates' Christian Fellowship"

Hurry! Catch the Early Bird promotion! Better still, register as a group of 6 and enjoy a special rate of $200 only!
Registration is now open. The Early Bird promotion ends on 10 October 2010.

Closing Date: 27 October 2010

Click here for registration form:uploads/files/Christian%20Charity%20Conf%202010_Registration%20Form_.doc