Engineering & Science Christian Fellowship (ESCF)
Date: Wednesday, 11 August, 2010
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Venue: 420 North Bridge Road, #05-04 North Bridge Centre, Singapore 188727
Theme: Building a Biblical framework for Science and Engineering
Speakers: Mr LT Jeyachandran and Mr Brian Thomas
ESCF is launching our flagship project on Building a Biblica Framework for Science and Engineering. We are inviting Christians who are working or studying in the science and engineering fields to join us in a regular sharing session. We will be using the book, "God, the Big Bang and Bunsen Burning Issues" as a talking point. Cost of Book :$20.00. The first session starts on 14 July (Wed) 2010 Other sessions dates: 11 August, 15 September, 13 October, 10 November and 8 December 2010 Registration is limited to 25 persons only. For registration please email: