Engineering & Science Christian Fellowship (ESCF) Talk
Date: Monday, 14 October, 2013
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Venue: 420 North Bridge Road #05-04 North Bridge Centre, Singapore 188727
Theme: Loving God With All Your Mind
Speakers: Rev Dr Ron Choong
Speaker: Ron Choong read law, the natural sciences, international relations, the humanities and theology in Malaysia, Great Britain and the USA. His academic training includes the BA (Open), LLB Hons. (London), STM (Yale), MDiv, ThM, & PhD(Princeton). He became an apologetic theologian of sicence to defend the Christian faith in the light of advances in science, technology and medicine. He will share how over 20 years of studying the Bible and theology in engagement with archaeology, history, philosophy and the natural sciences has strengthened his faith. Outline of talk: 1. BIBLE & THEOLOGY: The Bible as testaments to encounters with God, not a history or science book. Our understanding of God is always being refined as we learn more about world we live in. 2. EVANGELISM & MISSIONS: Form theological safe spaces to invite inquiry about God. Put yourself in their shoes. Learn their worldviews in order to engage fruitfully. Find out what they are looking for. 3 DISCIPLESHIP & WORSHIP; Research and write courses to teach and train others to do likewise. Worshipping God with your mind. Please register with Simon Chia at or telephone no: 6338 6283 |