Engineering and Science Christian Fellowship (ESCF) Talk

Date: Thursday, 4 August, 2011
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Venue: 420 North Bridge Road #05-04 North Bridge Centre, Singapore 188727
Theme: God's Two Books- Scripture and Science
Speakers: Rev Dr Ron Choong

SYNOPSIS of the talk:
In God’s creation of the World, we observe God’s first book. In God’s revealing of the Word, we receive God’s second book.

The World testifies to God’s existence and creation through the findings of the sciences and its expression in technologies. In the history of of the human race, there are two scientific discoveries and two technologies that shook the world:
1) The two discoveries: Modern understanding of time and space.
2) The two technologies: Telescope and the microscope.

The Scripture testifies to God’s revelation through the accounts of witnesses. And "witnesses" presumes the capacity to speak, to memorize, to write and to read. These capacities allow us to worship and communicate with God. By the time the first Scripture was written (c.1000-500 BC), the human brain had evolved to pass on God’s revelation in the form of God’s Word.

We refer to God’s Two Books as Scripture and Science. God reveals by World (Nature) and by Word (Scripture).

About the SPEAKER:
Rev. Dr. Ron Choong is an ordained minister and has served as a Christian apologist in New York City since 1991.

He is an interdisciplinary scholar with a global ministry to both Christians and skeptics as the Director of the Academy for Christian Thought. Prior to that, Ron has practiced public international law and commercial law at Lincoln’s Inn, served as an urban missionary in New York, as well as taught philosophy and theology at seminaries in the US.

He was born in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and earned the BA, LLB Hons, STM, MDiv, ThM and PhD degrees from London, Yale and Princeton.

His doctoral dissertation, examined the relation between contemporary neuroscience and theology, titled “Do We Sin Because We Are Sinners or Are We Sinners Because We Sin?: Neuroscience, Nolition and the Kenotic Doctrine of Moral Cognition.” He and his wife attends Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York.