Fellowship of Christian Care Professionals (FCCP) Case Conference
Date: Thursday, 22 August, 2013
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Venue: 420 North Bridge Road #05-04 North Bridge Centre, Singapore 188727
Theme: Youth Issues
Speakers: Facilitator: Mr Joseph John Case Presenter: Mrs Diana Loong
About the facilitator: Joseph currently works as a Counselor in Kairos Psychotherapy Services. He was initially trained as a social worker and then did further training in counselling in Canada. For 15 years, Joseph was with the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) working with university and polytechnic students. he also worked as an associate therapist with the Counselling and Care Centre before setting up his own private counselling service in 2001. He is married, has a teenage son, and worships at Bethesda Serangoon Church.
Admission is Free!. A love offering will be collected to defray the costs. Sign up: Call Simon at 6338 6283 or email gcfsing@gcf.org.sg