Fellowship of Christian Care Professionals (FCCP) Case Conference cum Talk
Date: Thursday, 17 November, 2011
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Venue: 420 North Bridge Road #05-04 North Bridge Centre, Singapore 188727
Theme: Case Study on Spousal Violence
Speakers: Mr Benny Bong
Spousal violence, also known as domestic violence has seen its toll on one or both partners bringing pervasive problems of serious consequences in marriage or family. In many forms, it has defined to include physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, throwing objects, slapping and so on. In this session, we will be presenting a case on spousal violence and the facilitator is Mr Benny Bong, We will explore the following: 1. Are there programs designed to treat, control and prevent different forms of domestic violence? 2. Is a system of approach an effective treatment for spousal violence? 3. How important is the role of counsellors in fostering the development of spousal violence intervention? About the facilitator: Benny, family and marital therapist, holds a Master degree in Social Work from McGill University, Canada. He has over twenty years of direct counselling practice and is also an experienced case supervisor. Currently, he is the external lecturer with Swinburne University, Australia. His past teaching experience includes lecturing at Edith Cowen University, Australia and the Department of Social Work and Psychology, NUS (part-time). He is also the President of Society Against Family Violence.
For registration, please call Simon at 6338 6283 or email gcfsing@gcf.org.sg