Fellowship of Christian Care Professionals (FCCP) Talk

Date: Thursday, 26 February, 2015
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Venue: 420 North Bridge Road #05-04 North Bridge Center Singapore 188727
Theme: Ministering Sexual Wholeness
Speakers: Mr Ben KC Lee

 Why are single Christians having sex whilst married Christians not having much sex? What's causing the growing chasm between Christian belief and holy sexuality? Most churches just keep quiet on all matters of sexuality. Then we do notice that some focus on LGBT issues. But many wonder what to do and how,

Come and encounter the Sacred Garden, a holistic vision of sexuality. Its whole purpose is to nurture sexually-healthy disciples. The Sacred Garden is a paradigm for congregations and homes to organise experiences to build sexual wholeness. It encompasses both prevention and intervention and opposite sex attraction as well as same sex attraction.

This session will zoom in on applications for Christian care professionals. There will be a segment for questions and answers.

Speaker Profile:

Ben KC Lee was born in Sabah. He has enjoyed assignments as accountant, church planter and pastor. But his favourite role is being husband to Dinah and dad to their 19-year old twins. He is currently a bi-vocational minister serving as Head of Sexual Wholeness with Focus on the Family Singapore and as Regional Pastor (North America) with Hope International Ministries.

For registration please email : gcfsing@gcf.org.sg