Fellowship of Christian Care Professionals (FCCP) Talk

Date: Thursday, 7 April, 2011
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Venue: 420 North Bridge Road #05-04 North Bridge Centre, Singapore 188727
Theme: The Integration of Psychology and Theology
Speakers: Rev Dr Danny Goh

There has been a wide variety of opinions concerning the validity of psychology in general and counseling using the Christian faith in particular. Whilst one camp believes that only the Bible can be used in determining truth and that science cannot be trusted, the other extreme are those who are willing to embrace truth as established by science albeit its obvious contradiction to Biblical interpretation.
Can psychology and theology ever be integrated? Are there common concerns that can be considered as possible in-between viewpoints?
In this talk, we will review the integration of psychology and Christian faith that attempts to bring together the truths of psychological science with the truths of the Christian faith in a coherent way.
The topics covered will include:
• How the Christian faith interfaces with psychology in a way that shapes how the Christian counselor/psychologist engages with the science and application of psychology.
• The implications of the difference for how Christian faith is construed to interface with psychology.
• The influence of the Christian belief on psychology without the counselor/psychologist being drawn to the conclusion of a specific Christian or biblical psychology.

About the Speaker

Danny has more than two decades of teaching and ministry experience. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Marriage and Family Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary.

He held positions at the Singapore Bible College: as Associate Dean in the School of Theology (English) and later as the Dean of the School of Counselling. He also served as adjunct faculty at the Biblical Graduate School of Theology, Haggai Institute (Singapore) and Lanka Bible College (Sri Lanka). He serves as a pastor in Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church and is currently a lecturer at the School of Counseling, TCA College.
Danny and Nancy are parents of two daughters.

Admission is Free! A love offering will be collected to defray the costs!

For registration, please sign up: Call Simon at 6338-6283 or e-mail gcfsing@gcf.org.sg.