Fellowship of Christian Care Professionals (FCCP) Talk

Date: Thursday, 2 May, 2013
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Venue: 420 North Bridge Road #05-04 North Bridge Centre, Singapore 188727
Theme: Helping the HIV Client
Speakers: Ms Lew Fong Lin

In this talk, we are privileged to have Ms Fong Lin, an associate member of AIDSLink International to share with us facts of HIV/AIDS as well the practical and psychosocial issues that are relevant to helpingpeople infected and/or affected with HIV.She will cover the following:

a. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
b. The stages of HIV infection
c. The difference between treatment and cure
d. Addressing stigma and discrimination
e. Helping the HIV Client - Case Studies
f. HIV Counselling - sharing by Mr Vincent Law, counsellor
g. The Christian Response - Mr Vincent Law
About the Speaker
Fong Lin has been with AIDSLink International (http://www.aidslink.org/) for three years. She spent five years working in hospice care for cancer patients before getting involved in the HIV field.
Since 2008, Fong Lin has been actively raising HIV awareness through conducting talks and workshops in Singapore and Malaysia. Through her friendship with people living with HIV, she also seeks to break down barriers and remove the stigma and discrimination that often plague these individuals.
Fong Lin graduated from Trinity Theological College in 2007 and is trained in clincial pastoral care at Mt Alvernia Hospital. She has a Certificate of Proficiency in 17th STDs/AIDS Course with the Consortium of Thai Training Institute for STDs and AIDS. In addition, she has also undergone training with Channels of Hope under Christian AIDS Bureau for South Africa (CABSA) and AIDSLink International. She worships at Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church, Singapore.
Currently, she works as a HIV nurse coordinator at the National University Hospital and is also an associate member of AIDSLink International.
To register, please apply via gcfsingapore@gcf.org.sg or call Simon st 6338 6283.

A love offering will be collected to defray the costs.