Fellowship of Christian Care Professionals (FCCP)Talk
Date: Wednesday, 15 October, 2014
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Venue: 420 North Bridge Road #05-04 North Bridge Centre, Singapore
Theme: Staying Healthy as a Couple-Perspectives from a Christian family therapist.
Speakers: Mr Benny Bong
Brief on topic: Thinking about the health of a couple's relationship, it may be useful to reflect on how an individual maintains good physical well-being. We know that there are several cardinal rules we must observe, have adequate rest and sleep, maintain a balanced diet and have regular exercise, just to name a few.But what are the principles to keep a couple's relationship healthy? Just what do we mean by a healthy couple? As practitioners from a mental health and a sociological disciplines, we have long focused on curing troubled and ailing couples. But what if we can help them stay strong so that they do not fall prey to various personal and inter-personal ills? Brief on the Speaker: Benny Bong is a Family and Marital Therapist for over thirty years. He is currently in private practice and has worked and is still working with various government ministries and teaching institutions, one of which is the Singapore Bible College. He has a Masters in Social Work from McGill University and has a long association with the Society Against Family Violence. Benny worships at the Kampong Kapor Methodist Church and is a regular contributor to the Methodist Message. For registration, please email to Simon Chia at gcfsing@gcf.org.sg or tel 6338 6283