GCF 55th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner

Date: Friday, 3 September, 2010
Time: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Venue: NUSS Guild House, Guild Hall, Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore
Theme: Rebuilding Our Youth, Building Stronger Family Values
Speakers: Mr Jason Wong- Director (Juvenile Homes) Ministry of Community Development, Youth & Sports, Mr Benny Bong-The Family Therapist.

Cost: $50 per person or $450 per table.

Church workers, Retirees, Non-working members and students- S$40.00

For reservation, pleas email gcfsing@gcf.org.sg

Payment: Please issue cheque payable to "Graduates' Christian Fellowship" and mail to

420 North Bridge Road

#05-07 North Bridge Centre,

Singapore 188727