GCF Fellowship Meeting
Date: Tuesday, 22 January, 2013
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Venue: Singapore Bible College, 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore
Theme: Love the sojourner: A Christian dialogue on migrant workers in Singapore
Speakers: Rev Dr Daniel Koh
Synopsis of dialogue The issue of migrant workers is controversial and one of the hot topics on the agenda of our National Conversation. Migrant workers presently comprise about 25% of our population and have, over the years, formed the building block of our nation in many sectors. However, Singaporeans seem to carry mixed sentiments towards them. On one hand their contributions are welcomed, but on the other hand many Singaporeans are discomforted by the social implications of having too many migrant workers. The recent incident between some Chinese nationals and SMRT leading to a strike and the subsequent expulsion of some workers has also thrown this issue into the national spotlight.
How should we Christians respond to this issue? Join in the discussion with Dr. Daniel Koh Kah Soon who will lead us in our time of dialogue.
Short Bio
Rev Dr Daniel Koh Kah Soon, a Methodist Minister, is a full-time lecturer at Trinity Theological College (TTC). He obtained his PhD in Ethics from Durham University. At TTC he teaches Pastoral Theology, and Ethics, and he is the Director (English) of TTC's Centre for the Development of Christian Ministry that organises mainly evening courses for lay-training. Daniel is active in Christian social outreach where he is a member of the Ethics Committee of a major hospital, a member of a Central Institution Review Board, and a member of the National Organ Transplant Ethics Panel. He is also the Vice-Chairperson of the Methodist Welfare Services and the Chairperson of the Bethany Methodist Nursing Home.
Registration is required. An administration fee of $10(which includes dinner) will be collected. Please email your registration to Simon Chia at gcfsing@gcf.org.sg or call 6338 6283 Dinner will be served from 6.30pm- 7.20pm |