GCF Fellowship Meeting

Date: Tuesday, 19 February, 2013
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Venue: Singapore Bible College, 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886
Theme: Building Strong Families
Speakers: Mr Jason Wong

Synopsis of Dialogue

It is becoming increasingly challenging to build strong families with strong Biblical values in this age of rapid urbanisation and with the rapid secularisation of society. With the proliferation of the Internet, the Church has become but one source of values among a plethora of other sources of value systems that may be accessed online, particularly in an age of various invasive forms of social media. In the home, there also appears to be higher occurrences of families and marriages breking down. In the face of a demanding and competitive economy, increading numbers of people are living apart from their families due to frequent travel or the need to work longer hours. These add to the stress on marriages and family life.

How can we build stronger families in the midst of these challenges? Join in the discussion with Mr Jason Wong who will lead us in our time of dialogue,

Short Bio

Our speaker, Mr Jason Wong, is presently a Senior Director with the Ministry of Social and Family Development. He oversees functions of child welfare, child abuse, family violence, fostering and probation services, children and juvenile homes and the destitute. Jason initiated the Yellow Ribbon Project in 2004 and Dads for Life movement in 2009. He is married and has 2 teenage children.

Registration is required. An administration fee of $10 (which includes the cost of dinner) will be collected.

Please register by replying to Simon by email: gcfsing@gcf.org.sg or by phone: 63386283