GCF Fellowship Meeting
Date: Tuesday, 20 August, 2013
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Venue: Singapore Bible College, 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886
Theme: A National Education: Toward What End?
Speakers: Dr Calvin Chong
Synopsis: Education is one of the fundamental societal pillars upon which the nation's future rests on. While Singapore's education system has a regional and global reputation for excellence, there remains some degree of dissatisfaction with both the outcomes and the processes of the system and its offerings. Drawing from experiences in theological and Christian education design and evaluation, this session presents concepts and questions which helps us to interpret existing realities, affirm the benefits, and identify the gaps within our present educational system. It also invites reflection on how the Christian community can make significant contributions within and without the system.. Speaker Profile: Dr Calvin Chong is Associate Professor in Educational Studies at Singapore Bible College. He is presently on a one year research and writing sabbatical. His teaching and research areas include designing teaching and learning processes, hermeneutics, and the impact of the digital communications revolution. Calvin worships at the Covenant Community Methodist Church and is married to Cheh. They have two sons- Asher 20 and Justin 18. As before, registration will be required. An administration fee of S$10 (including the cost of dinner) will be collected. Please register by replying to Simon by email: gcfsing@gcf.org.sg or by phone: 63386283 (for catering purposes, please indicate whether you will be taking dinner)