GCF Fellowship Meeting

Date: Tuesday, 22 April, 2014
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Venue: 420 North Bridge Road #05-04 North Bridge Centre, Singapore 188727
Theme: The Contemporary Christian: Challenges and Pathways
Speakers: Facilitator: Mr Jose Philip
Join us for our third Fellowship Meeting of the year exploring the question of how "religion", specifically, the Christian faith, can speak to our culture. This is the third of seven topics addressing how Christians should engage in the "7 spheres" of culture. Mr Jose Philip will be facilitating our discussion on this very important issue. Synopsis: The issues today demand that the Christian brings faith back into the public space, and yet the public arena is anxious to see that faith be kept private. How are we to navigate our call to "live in this world" and "not conform to it"; and all the while as "salt and light"? This demands, what Dr. Alec Vidler called "holy worldliness". The contemporary Christian is called to avoid both bait of "conformity" and the snare of apathy. How might we do that? "The Contemporary Christian: Challenges and Pathways" is an attempt to articulate how as Christians we are to remain faithful and relevant. Bio data of Facilitator: Jose Philip was born in Kerala and grew up in Chennai, India. He graduated from Loyola College in 1992 and went to complete his Masters in Zoology from the same institute in 1994. He was the first student from Loyola to be awarded the Tamil Nadu State Science Council Scholarship for his Masters Research in Prawn Biology. Jose worked as a Prawn Biologist in India before going to the Middle East to join a software firm in 2001. Jose became a follower of Jesus Christ when he was fourteen. However it was only in Dubai that he discovered nothing satisfied him more than "teaching and preaching The Word". In 2005 he resigned from his position as Head of Operations and left to pursue his theological studies in Singapore. During his study at The Singapore Bible College, Jose distinguished himself by becoming the first student in the history of the institution to have secured two masters simultaneously. He completed both his Masters in Divinity in Biblical Studies and his Masters in Theology from Singapore Bible College in May 2008. Jose is currently serving as the Director for Itinerant Development with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (Asia-Pacific). He also lectures on Apologetics , Christian Ethics, and Gospel & Culture at Singapore Bible College, Baptist Theological Seminary and Bible College, Malaysia. Jose is married to Cinu, a special educator by training and they are blessed with two children Jayden and Yaira. They currently live in Singapore and worship at Faith Mission Home. For registration, please email Simon Chia gcfsing@gcf.org.sg or tel: 6338 6283