GCF Intersect Conversations 2015

Date: Wednesday, 1 April, 2015
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Venue: 420 North Bridge Road #05-04 North Bridge Center Singapore 188727
Theme: The Tyranny of Busyness: Living at God's Pace in a Pressured World
Speakers: Dr Robert Banks

 Increasingly today busyness has come to dominate people's lives. This is also true for most Christians, especially those who are well-educated, middle-class, and involved in business or the professions. Since they take on additional responsibilities in the church and Christian organisations, often they are busiest of all. Indeed busyness if regarded as a badge of honour and a mark of commitment, this is in direct contrast to the attitude to time in the biblical writings and Christian tradition. These mostly view busyness as a vice rather than a virtue, as something that prevents believers from properly discerning and doing what God mainly wants them to do and from fully becoming and relating the way God desires for them. This talk proposes a third way between busyness and idleness as the answer to overcoming these deadly sins, one that leads to a greater and deeper impact on the world around us.


Biodata of speaker:

Robert Banks has taught in Universities and Theological Colleges in Australia, the United States and Asia. He was the first Professor of the Ministry of the Laity and Director of the De Pree Leadership Centre at Fuller Theological Seminary in Los Angeles. His award-winning, widely translated writings include biblically based studies of God the worker and Jesus' ethics, Christian leadership and Everyday spirituality. Among these are The Tyranny of Time and with Paul Stevens, The Complete Book of Everyday Christianity. Over the years he has worked closely with people in business, the professions and media helping them to connect their faith with their work and develop a more balanced lifsyle..


For registration, please email Simon Chia at gcfsing@gcf.org.sg