Open Eyes in a Darkened Room

Date: Tuesday, 28 April, 2015
Time: 7:00 PM - 10:00 AM
Venue: 420 North Bridge Road #05-04 North Bridge Center Singapore 188727
Theme: The Adjustment Bureau

 For GCF Members and Invited Friends Only


Short synopsis of the movie;

David Norris is an up and coming politican but on a night when he loses a Congressional election a chance meeting with a stranger, Elise Sellas, inspires him to make a brilliant concession speech that clearly makes him the front-runner for the next time around. They meet again by chance a few years later and are intent on seeing one another. What they do not realise is that there is a mysterious group of men calling themselves the Adjustment Bureau, who seem intent on keeping them apart. Soon David and Elise are on the run with the Bureau trying their best to separate them as they try to maintain David's predeterminted future.

Please register  with Simon at gcfsing@gcf,org,sg or tel: 6338 6283