Open Eyes in a Darkened Room
Date: Tuesday, 24 November, 2015
Time: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Venue: 420 North Bridge Road #05-04 North Bridge Center Singapore 188727
Theme: The Matrix
For GCF Members and Friends Ony " THE MATRIX" Does Purpose define Identity? We started our exploration of HUMAN IDENTITY in July with the 2014 Final Cut of BLADE RUNNER. This is a movie that describes the brilliance and anguish of being a creature made with an expiry date and asks whether this makes us "human". We then ask whether our identities are defined by genetics-what we are physically made of- and/or memories-what we can remember or choose to forget. Now, through this definitive sci-fi movie of 1999, THE MATRIX (now digitally re-mastered) we journey with Neo Anderson to discover whether identities are tied with purpose.
Please register with Simon Chia at email: or tel : 63386283