Open Eyes In A Darkened Room-BGST-GCF Lecture Series
Date: Monday, 17 March, 2014
Time: 7:15 PM - 9:45 PM
Venue: St. John's - St.Margaret's Church, Room C205, 30 Dover Ave, Singapore 139790,
Theme: The Theology of Film
Speakers: Mr Benjamin Ho
This is a lecture followed by open-ended discussion and Q &A Speaker: Mr Benjamin Ho Benjamin Ho is a serving Deacon at Family of Grace Evangelical Free Church, a Mandarin-speaking church. He is involved in his church Word Ministry and is a lay-preacher. He takes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding Christianity and is particularly interested in the relationship between faith and art as well as the field of public theology. Together with several like-minded brothers and sisters-in Christ, he has been involved in relating the world of theology to film and has facilitated movie discussions during GCF meetings, in churches and university varsity groups. He holds a full-time job as a researcher at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, NTU. Please register with Simon Chia at Tel: 6338 6283 or email to Limited Seats available |