Teachers Dedication Service 2015

Date: Saturday, 23 May, 2015
Time: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue: St John's Chapel @ St Margaret Secondary School
Theme: Called to Teach: Who, What, Where?
Speakers: Dr Tan Lai Yong

Calling all fellow Christian Educators

On behalf of TCF, NIE-CF and FES you are cordially invited to attend the Teachers Dedication Service 

There will be a panel Q & A session followed by breakout sessions on these topics:

-Teaching and Christian Discipleship led by Peter Tan, ACS(Barker Road)

-Teaching and Holy Ambition led by Ng Yeow Ling, Westwood Primary School

-Teaching Off the Beaten Track led by Hee Piang Chin, Girls' Brigade

-Teaching for the Special Need Students led by Diana Chin, St Andrew's Autism Centre

-Teaching Troubled Teens- to be confirmed


Kindly register at: http://tinyurl.com/TDS2015